You contact users at the right time Withexternal marketing messages no one can guarantee that you will reach consumersat the optimal time. For example using robust email automation software letsyou schedule an email campaign to be sent but you still have no way of knowingwhen a user actually
phone numbers data opens it. With in-app messaging you can set it to appearin specific locations and with specific groups helping you reach all your usersat the right time and place. they drive more conversions is that it inspires them to take immediate action.
For example lets say you send a messagelike this to announce a new feature. Users can immediately test based on yourinstructions. Sending laser-focused messages as users interact with your appprompts them to get the most out of it. Therefore they are more likely to acton your message and convert. You can target different market segments withpersonalized messages Your users have different profiles preferences and needs.Additionally their in-app behaviors and stages in the customer lifecycle vary.Therefore it is necessary to tailor your communications to provide them with apersonalized experience.