For behavioral and cognitive resources that you do not yet have but can obtain. The coach will encourage you to think in a structured way about your challenge, support you in establishing clear goals and contribute to your ability to generate ideas, in addition to encouraging the construction of concrete plans for your journey. It will also accompany you in implementing these plans and evaluating how you are moving towards the place you want to get to. The coach can remind you about your potential and even point out ideas, but always as hypotheses, which only you can say fit your way of doing things. One of the premises behind this approach is that the maximum power of achievement happens when solutions emerge from the coachee's autonomy, and that when the person feels truly autonomous and responsible for their own destiny, this generates an enormous amount of energy for the accomplishing what you want to accomplish.
Said in a more colloquial way: when a person decides what to do and how to do it, the probability of actually making it happen increases enormously. On the other hand, when someone receives an order or determination on how to act, they Japan Email List may understand and agree, but they do not generate the same amount of energy to transform ideas into reality. Furthermore, each human being has very different natural patterns of feeling, thinking and behavior . Therefore, what another person did and worked has a high chance of not working in the same way for you, as they came from emotional, cognitive and practical resources that are different from theirs. That is why the competent coach does not give advice – in this case he would be an advisor, mentor or consultant. He doesn’t say something like “if I were you I would…”.
And he doesn't say it for a very simple reason. He is not you. And only you know what energizes you to do what you need to do and understand how to do things in a way that is compatible with your best resources. According to your being, your knowledge and your know-how. But yes, it can function as an external agent that helps you see yourself more clearly, reminding you of the resources you have and which, because they are so natural to you, are not always seen, valued and used intentionally in the right way. It can also encourage you to seek references and new resources. He may even point out paths that you have not seen, but, I say again, as hypothetical alternatives and never as a recommendation. How does coaching happen in practice? For you to understand whether you need and want to go through a coaching process , it may be interesting to know how it happens in practice.