Which explains its longevity. Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code (1941) The two codes were published during the Estado Novo dictatorship, when Francisco Campos was the Minister of Justice. One of the main changes in the Penal Code was the increase in the age of criminal responsibility to 18 years old. Over the years, the decree-law from the has undergone changes and has been influenced by parallel laws. In the early 1990s, the Child and Adolescent Statute gave new guidelines for the protection of minors, and the Heinous Crimes Law defined more severe penalties for serious crimes.
The Maria da Penha Law (Law created mechanisms to protect victims and punish crimes of violence against women more rigorously. In , a new law (Law equated indecent assault with the crime of rape. Recently, in 2019, the so-called Anti-Crime Law EX Mobile Phone Numbers was sanctioned, which, among other changes, increased the penalties for armed robberies and illegal sale of weapons, and increased the maximum prison time from 30 to 40 years. also determined the end of temporary release from prison for anyone convicted of a heinous crime that resulted in death.
Consolidation of Labor Laws (1943) The CLT, which came into force in 1943, consolidated labor rights that had been previously established. In Maria Pia Guerra's view, this is the great milestone of social rights in Brazil. "The CLT began a new way of thinking about citizenship in Brazil. A citizenship that is not only formal, but is linked to work, to the material rights that come from there", highlights the professor. Gustavo Binenbojm analyzes that the CLT had "huge relevance for protecting the worker's dignity". Vladimir Passos de Freitas believes that, currently, the standard is outdated — which is why it was reformed.