in a particularly difficult competitive context when we talk about small and mediumsized businesses the resources available both in terms of capital and time are often very limited in order to be effective when developing your digital marketing strategy focus on your what what do i want to achieve what will my online strategy be before you start doing anything and investing in specific stocks it would be interesting to determine who is the target audience i want to reach what are the key areas i need to invest in based on the type of audience and nature of the business what are we doing in my sector always be on the lookout for trends and competition summary create a website and position it on google it is the basic showcase for any business that wants to launch effectively on the web the website will include sections to tell your story present the team the services an image gallery
contact details etc you must choose a representative and easy to remember domain name as well as a web host a website is of no use if it is not visited the aim of seo techniques is that your website can get more organic visits from search engines by optimizing pages using keywords these keywords are search terms that users use to find products or services for this reason working on your website with these keywords in mind involves knowing your customers well and knowing what Loan Phone Number List keywords they use when searching for content online furthermore having a blog on your website is an additional way to improve seo while informing and retaining users the content included in each article must be of high quality and respond to the queries of internet users who are highly qualified prospects exploit social networks social networks are now a very important channel in the digital

marketing plan of an sme today depending on the industry social media can even become the largest source of traffic and sales for a business facebook twitter linkedin instagram youtube simply choose the social network that best suits your potential customers or why not several of them the next step is to create content through texts photos and videos the problem is that there are few businesses that really know how to do effective social media marketing creating accounts on social networks is within everyones reach but being able to run them effectively is less obvious the poush agency a specialist in digital marketing gives the following advice on its blog about publications on facebook its all about rigor for a page to continue to find an audience despite facebooks algorithm it must regularly publish new posts of course it doesnt necessarily mean posting every hour it is actually not so much the quantity of publications that counts but rather their regularity so posting once or twice a week is already a good practice on the other hand it is better to avoid