The photograph soon became viral. In fact, in less than 40minutes got more than a million retweets becoming the most retweeted selfie inhistory. In this way, the photo broke all records and quickly became the mostviral selfie in history. Samsung achieved its goal. Although the price paid bySamsung for the American hostess to publicize its product was very high,achieving the selfie with more RTs in history deserved it. This image surpassedthe most retweeted photo until the moment, which was an image that Obamauploaded to his Twitter account after winning the elections for the secondtime. In fact, the selfie of Hollywood celebrities managed to beat the recordof the president of the United States in less than 30 minutes. In thisadvertising campaign.
Samsung knew that Ellen DeGeneres was the right WhatsApp Mobile Number List person bybeing the hostess of the Oscars gala. However, this campaign with influencersalso has its negative aspect from which can be learned. After the gala, DeGeneres continued posting on Twitter images of the parties that are usuallycelebrated. But she did it with her cell phone: an Iphone. 4.- Nike Court[youtube width=”600″height=”400″][/youtube] The sportscompany Nike launched an advertising campaign in 2015 to launch a new clothingline, Nike Court and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of its mostfamous ads in history. That announcement in which Pete Sampras and André Agassicut New York traffic to play a tennis match. For this campaign, once again,they used the power of different influencers from the world of tennis.

In fact, they managed to reunite many of the best tennisplayers in the world such as Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams, Roger Federer andMaria Sharapova. The four players surprised all the users by recreating thatannouncement of 1995. The company created the hashtag #StealTheShow so that allthe users had the possibility of following the great event live. [youtubewidth=”600″ height=”400″][/youtube]The campaign had a great impact, which was expected since Nike got theparticipation of the biggest influencers in the world of tennis that everyoneadmires. Also, this campaign incorporated a great emotional factor: theycreated nostalgia in some users recreating a game of tennis so mythical.