Single health card : if we govern, it will arrive at your home in the first 100 days. A Spaniard by the mere fact of being Spanish will have the right to it and thus will not have to wait for long waiting lists. In this way we will eliminate procedures and bureaucracy" Territorial policy Pedro Sánchez and Albert Rivera, during the RTVE debate on the occasion of the 2019 General Elections. Pedro Sánchez and Albert Rivera, during the RTVE debate on the occasion of the 2019 General Elections. "Spain hurts me.
It hurts me that it is broken. Mr. Sánchez does whatever it takes to remain in power, even with the independentists. I am committed to recovering unity. I do not believe in Spain as a nation of nations." " I want a SW Business Directory president who loves Spain and who does not go hand in hand with the nationalists . It is time for us Spaniards to join hands and become independent from those who want to break up Spain. " "Mr. Sánchez has the word pardon written on his forehead because otherwise he will not govern" "I want a government without separatists, it is a national emergency to remove Sánchez from power.

This country needs territorial policy, but as long as they continue to agree with the nationalists, it will not be possible to agree on education, employment or anything" Democratic regeneration and post-electoral pacts Pablo Casado, Pedro Sánchez, Albert Rivera and Pablo Iglesias. Pablo Casado, Pedro Sánchez, Albert Rivera and Pablo Iglesias. "If Mr. Rajoy had to leave for Gürtel, if there is a conviction with the ERE of Andalusia, are you going to resign, Mr. Sánchez?" "There are two options in these elections: vote yes or no to Spain. Voting for Ciudadanos to lead a constitutionalist government is voting yes to Spain.