Therefore, it is necessary to consider the possibility of you focusing on the same audience, for example, men's shoes vs. Children's shoes. In this case, there is no rivalry between the two. It is ideal to keep one question in mind: are we competing for the same customer? If the answer is yes, this competition exists! Identify solutions that threaten you let's now talk about the areas that directly impact your business's direct competitors. Regardless of whether it is a product or service to be offered, it is possible to carry out a competitive analysis and develop solutions if your position in the market is threatened. Know that the focus is on customer disputes.another, as a new toy can disrupt the sale of your clothes. Try to exceed what the customer wants several people putting together a puzzle. In general, in the customers' view, cost-benefit is not sufficient, meaning that the search for the lowest price and best product or service offered falls within this range.
For this stage of the strategy, you must observe how your customer behaves, not only in your store, but in your competitors, and how your tactics are seen by those who compete with you in the market. If he gets a lower price for similar products in other stores, what can you do to match the offer? This phase concerns the construction of a competitive strategy, its Bank User Number Data objective is to ensure that the consumer comes to your company and does not leave it to negotiate with another. Prepare for new competitors the 5 competitive forces have a very important lesson: you can never settle in the market! No matter how much you have developed a winning strategy, are well positioned in the market and are the biggest reference in your segment, there will always be someone trying to surpass you. Pay attention to all the insertion of technology to improve and optimize your processes.

In other words, innovation is essential, and yet, there is no guarantee that your business will never be surpassed! That is why it is essential to monitor, act, form partnerships and ensure that your company is always active. Have supplier options the supplier area is one that, if not properly handled, could cause serious damage to your business. Therefore, a good strategy builds a list of suppliers, so that everything you need to buy, you always have options. This allows you to negotiate and gives you guarantees so that you can always meet your deadlines. We have seen throughout this article that positioning yourself in highly competitive markets is within the reach of small companies. By putting into practice the teachings of porter's 5 forces, the entrepreneur is able to have a more accurate view of himself and what he offers as a solution, of customers, competitors and suppliers. Now it's up to you! Organize your competitive forces and achieve your company's objectives as we.